What to do when your basement leaks

Sep 9, 2022 | Basement leaks, Floods, Mold Removal, water damage

Water moisture or water leakage in a basement might be due to both internal and external factors, but one thing is certain: water in the basement can cause various issues, including mold, mildew growth, and even insect and rodent infestations. It can also ruin belongings and cause damage to the walls and foundation. In a nutshell, it is not a good situation to find yourself in. It is essential to extract the water immediately, address any underlying basement water issues, and take precautions to keep your basement dry. If left unattended, the problem is likely to grow and make it harder to contain. 

Steps to take if your basement is wet

Here are immediate steps you can take following a basement leakage or flooding:

  1. Safety

Using or touching any electrical device while standing in water can result in shock or electrocution. When entering a flooded basement, make sure you can keep dry and wear rubber boots. Never handle wet electrical wires or equipment.

  1. Try to locate the water’s source and contain the leak

Once you’ve confirmed that it’s safe to access the basement, try to identify the problem. You can prevent future floods and damage if you can find the leak. If you find there is an appliance leaking or a burst pipe, turn off the water in the affected area. Until the problem is fixed, this will temporarily stop the flow. However, if the water damage is caused by flooding from a rainstorm, you have a bigger problem on your hands and one that will require professional help. Contact us at Quick2Dry to help you take the necessary steps to prevent further damage.

  1. Extract standing water

You can use wet-dry vacuums to remove standing water from a leaking basement if it is only partially flooded, but first, make sure that you and your property are safe before deciding to attempt this on your own. If the flood seems to be in an already critical stage, it might be better to call a water damage specialist to pump it out; this will be an absolute necessity if the flooding is severe or you can’t safely extract the water yourself. After an emergency, we act promptly to repair your property and dry up the area to prevent mold growth. We are experts in providing quick mold and water damage repair services, to help you prevent any further damage while keeping your safety as our top priority. 

Causes of basement leaks

Basement leaks can be difficult to diagnose. Even after you have identified the leak’s source, there might be more you are unaware of. Here are a few common causes of leaks in basements:

  • Sump pump problems: Your basement may flood if your sump pump can’t keep up with the water flow. This can be due to a breakdown caused by a mechanical issue.
  • Basement windows: Window wells can become blocked with leaves and other debris, which leads to water buildup. The water can seep into the basement through holes and cracks in the walls and around old basement windows.
  • Plumbing or appliance failure: A broken washing machine hose, faulty hot water tank, or damaged or burst pipe can cause flooding in the basement.
  • Overflowing gutters: When the gutters overflow, the water can enter the basement and erode the soil, leading to foundation problems.
  • Storm sewer backup: The storm sewage system may overflow with water during severe rain. Water might back up in the system and enter your basement if the water level becomes too high.
  • Exterior drainage tile failure: Clogging and other issues are common with external drainage systems. The basement may flood, especially during periods of heavy rain, if the French drain system malfunctions or is placed improperly.

What are the consequences of water damage?

A delay in addressing water damage has various negative effects, given that it is one of the most common causes of structural and interior damage. Over time, water damage can lead to the deterioration of doors, roofs, wooden floors, and walls. Water damage in your basement makes your property vulnerable to flooding and spreading hazardous airborne bacteria.

The musty smell of mold or stains on your walls is typically the first sign that helps detect that you have mold in your home. Even small amounts of mold can irritate your sinuses. But don’t worry, our professional team can test for mold during water damage repairs. This enables us to treat it before it gets out of control and you or your family are at risk

Water from natural disasters such as hurricanes and typhoons not only causes mold but also damages the internal structure of your property. This will definitely need repairs and remediation. At Quick2Dry, we employ the proper procedures and cutting-edge tools to diagnose and effectively stop water intrusion and its potentially harmful effects.

Tips on how to prevent water damage from basement leaks

  • Test your sump pumps regularly.
  • Clean out your roof gutters.
  • Do not pour grease down your drains. 
  • Install a backwater valve: it is a valuable device that prevents sewage from flooding your basement when the main sewage system is overloaded.

Contact Quick2Dry for basement leak repair

We are experts in providing immediate water damage and mold remediation services. Our certified and skilled water damage specialist first examines the situation to ascertain the best course of action. The restoration procedure will follow if there are no safety problems or concerns. We use heaters and dehumidifiers to produce dry air, boost air circulation, and accelerate evaporation. Contact us to minimize structural damage and quickly restore your property after emergencies.

You can send us an email at  [email protected] or call us at 614-328-5111 to learn more about how we can help you. Don’t worry, we’ll get out of this situation, together. 


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